Friday, August 27, 2010

'To do' becomes 'MUST do': 9 days

For those of you who know me well, you know that I like lists. Not only do I like lists but I love to check things of lists. I will go so far as to write things on a list after I have finished them just so I can cross it off my list.

That being said, here's my current 'must do' list:

- Pack. I'm making a conscious effort to be a minimalist. No yellow chinos for me this semester.

- Pictures of Hershey. Time to take my SLR out on the town. I want to make a mini photo album of the hershey kiss street lights, the chocolate factory, and other snapshots of home to share with my señora and other friends in España.

- Attend online orientation. Monday is my last chance to meet with program directors and ask any packing, traveling, studying questions I have. Only thing is, I don't really feel like I have many questions. Not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

- Make sure my electronics will work in Spain. Get a hair cut. Work. Buy khakis. Load travel VISA. Finish Dogs of God. Return library books.

Today I had the day off, which would normally be used to to check things off my list. Instead, it was spent installing a door with my 83 year old grandpa for my new "brother", Bum Yong Song. BY is a 16 year old foreign exchange student from Korea that arrived yesterday and will be living with us for the academic year. He will become part of our family, from attending little A-Rog's soccer games to my brother's wedding in December. And though I didn't accomplish what I expected today, I was productive in a different way. I realized I have been blessed with the opportunity to live the life of the host family for one week. I'm experiencing what its like to have someone adapt to my family before I have to adapt to my señora's family. I have already learned that is more important to be open than to worry about my grammatical correctness. I must be gracious but honest; lying about my preferences won't make it easier for anyone. I hope I can implement the insight I have gained - I think I am being given the sparknotes on what it takes to build a relationship from Day 1.

Today was wonderful to spend with my grandparents as well, since they are one of my main concerns going abroad. They have always been a major part of my life and I'm worried that something will happen to one of them while I am abroad and I will be unable to come home. But I must remember Matthew 6:27, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" I'm beginning to feel like the semester is out of my hands and I was able to just enjoy the normality of spending a day with Nanny and Poppy.