Friday, October 26, 2012

"...we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating."

My most exciting experiences this past week revolved around food, so I decided to relive them with you here :)

Napala and I made our own calamares! Of course there is room for improvement, but it was a pretty good first attempt!

The next morning, Napala and I decided to go hardcore U.S.A breakfast with these cinnamon roll pancakes. Yeah, they were pretty awesome, though I didn't take any photographic evidence. It's probably better that way though since they didn't look exactly like this.

Then Wednesday afternoon, I was invited to lunch at one of my co-teacher's houses. She wasn't sure what I would like so she made un montón de comida deliciosa, with which I happily stuffed myself to the brim. I had seriously considered taking my camera along but then I figured that would be on the fine line of creepy that I shouldn't cross when I'm first invited to someone's house for la comida. But I spent some time googling the foods and finding appropriate pictures so you can imagine it! So here we go...

Aperetivo: Huevos rellenos de atún

These hard boiled eggs are stuffed with a tuna mixture that is wonderfully delicious!

La comida: Ensalada rusa
Ana told me that every recipe for ensalada rusa is different, but it's very typical in Madrid. It is a potato salad, but it is extremely flavorful because of the strength of flavor in the ingredients. Ana's recipe included: potatoes, red peppers (that she roasts herself), anchovies, olives, a bit of mayonese, and peas. Loved it.

La comida: Bonito con tomate y cebolla

 Next, we ate bonito (a fish... they love fish here) cooked with a tomato and onion sauce. We ate it at room temperature, and it was great. Bonito is a very white fish and is pretty dense. I think it is vaguely related to tuna, but don't tell that to Spaniards or they will shake their heads repeatedly at your ignorance. (This last statement also applies to calling setas mushrooms. We're still arguing that one with Juan!)

After finishing the food, I had a Nespresso for the first time! I had seen these things advertised repeatedly when I was in Sevilla and even gone into a store, but it isn't exactly what you would get in a local café. Check out this George Clooney commerical:

The coffee was great but what was even more exciting was the chance to read about all of the pearly, colorful capsules organized in a dark black shiny box. This fancy coffee accompanied by Lindt dark chocolate with orange and almond slivers was the perfect end to a delicious meal, which I gladly told Ana! She had been a little nervous because earlier that day in our 7th grade class I had explained that the word "dessert" in U.S. English refers to something quite different than the fruit you are offered at the end of a meal here. (We were practicing homonyms/homophones: The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.) I recounted a few comical stories about receiving an orange instead of cake or cookies when I was first studying abroad, but ended with my reflection that it was much healthier and I quite enjoyed the fruit at the end of the meal now! All's well that ends well... I hope I get invited back soon! Next week? Same time same place? ;)

Tomorrow Napala and I will be baking again; this time for Juan's birthday! He requested a chocolate cake so we must go on a hunt for the proper ingredients. We'll have to pay close attention since when we made the pancakes we bought brown sugar (as in sugar that is brown, unrefined sugar), rather than the brown sugar that we are used to in the U.S. Wish us luck and if you have any simple but stellar recipes, send them our way!

One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. -Luciano Pavarotti 

Much love,