Thursday, September 16, 2010

Don't tell my señora but I'm hiding nutella in a shoebox

Three days of grammar intensive down, seven to go. Yes, intensive is bold for a reason. Every day we start and finish a grammar unit, after we have read multiple chapters and done over a dozen exercise on the unit. I'm in the advanced class so its review for all of us but its still intimidating to know you are going to be tested on the irregulars of every grammar unit on Friday. Yes, this Friday.

I am very thankful that CIEE is dedicated to our immersion in the Spanish culture. They have gone so far as to hire Spanish students to serve as language police for us. There are people that actually get paid to walk around and scold people who are speaking English. They aren't that serious though, they mostly just set up word games to play when we're waiting for the classes before us to end. Because we are Americans and, of course, arrive wayyy to early for class.

CIEE is also dedicated to getting us out into discussion with Spaniards. Which means yesterday I was strolling the streets of Asunción, creeping on Spaniards between the ages of 18 and 29 to interview them. Sweeeeet. Actually, it was pretty interesting to see the contrast in point of view of the young Spaniards with a typical young American point of view. We haven't fully gone over the interviews in class to see what everyone got but when we do I'll let you know :)
One interesting tidbit of information out of the 8 Spaniards I interviewed:
- 1 said he leaves his house to go out between 12 and 2
- 3 said they leave their houses between 2 and 4
- 4 said they leave their houses after 4
My friends, that is when they leave their house to go out for the night. One of my goals for the semester is to stay out until 6 in the morning. Buena suerte self. Thank goodness for the siesta.

After my last experience running, I've switched to running in the mornings. Much cooler and since the sun hasn't risen quite high enough, there is lots of shade in between the buildings. Here are some views that I run past daily...

Apartment buildings on my street

Sculptures in Parque Maria Luisa

Guadalquivir, looking opposite the city from my bridge

Disclaimer: I did not actually lug my SLR around with me while I ran. These are pictures I took beforehand when I was walking. I cheat.

On the opposite note of running, I think I'm going to have to develop some sort of schedule to account for my intake of chocolate croissants and gelato. I'm thinking croissants MWF, gelato TR? Kidding. Kind of. I'm going to begin my hunt for Sevilla's best ______ (fill in the blank). Which means I should stop going to the same bakery. Also I don't want the lady to start recognizing me so early on in the semester :) Yesterday I went to the grocery store to buy some nutella (mmmmm) but I'm pretty sure the señoras take offense to you buying food for the house. So you know what I did if you read the title of this entry: I hid it in a shoebox in my room and I eat it when she leaves the house. I feel like a little kid trying to hide cookies but I don't know what else to do! If anybody's got any ideas, let me know because if I buy anything much larger than a jar of nutella it may not fit in my shoebox.

That's pretty much it for now, tomorrow I start jazz class at the Dance Center of Sevilla! Can't wait!


The Rogersuz said...

Wow, Spanish Police? That's intense! SO cool though. You are going to start dreaming in Spanish:) Have Ali and I shown up anywhere in Spain yet?
love you!!

NextDoorMissionary said...

Amber. croissants and gelatto every day. also, I'm proud for your use of a shoebox for your nutella.
buena seurte for real on the 6am thing. you better tell me pronto. I want to say text me but I know you can't, so email will have to suffice. if you could do it BEFORE you go to bed so you type crazy, I'd appreciate it. :)